Economic Survey

SAFTAD have funded an Economic Survey of the Recreational Fishery (all facets in marine and freshwater sectors), which was conducted over the past two years by a multi-disciplinary and multi-national team of researchers spearheaded by Dr Warren Potts from the...

Inland Fisheries Policy

A glaring omission in terms of South African fisheries legislation is the lack of a National policy and associated laws & regulations for inland (freshwater) fishing. Although individual provinces have legislation and regulations they are outdated, often...

Phakisa MPAs

The Minister for Environmental Affairs has issued the Intention to Declare Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and Draft Regulations for those MPAs in Government Gazette 39646 (3 February 2016). The deadline for submitting comments is 17 May 2016. Click on the link below to...


In November 2015 the Minister of Environmental Affairs published the Draft Regulations for the Tsitsikamma National Park MPA, which among other things proposed the opening of four controlled zones in which Koukamma Municipality and Covie Community residents would be...

Kraal Fishery

The latest Experimental Fishery Managment Plan (EFMP) for the proposed Kraal Fishery below the Vanderkloof Dam wall provides the background to the proposed fishery as well as the experimental approach designed to determine its feasibility and sustainability. SACRAA is...