Lake St Lucia full! Get the February 2018 update from iSimangaliso here.

In response to several queries as to the current situation and future prospects at Lake St. Lucia SACRAA requested a summary report from Gleneagles Environmental Consulting in November 2015. The report summarises the Background Information Documents and Flash Reports that are regularly issued by the iSimangaliso Wetland Park Authority and provides details of the historical situation, current management interventions and future plans.
SACRAA has registered as a stakeholder with iSimangaliso and regular updates will be provided via the links below as additional information is received.

Update March 2016

Update May 2016 – Draft iSimangaliso Integrated Management Plan (IMP) available for review. Includes Draft Estuary Management Plans. Comments must be submitted by 17 July 2016. The IMP can be downloaded from under the “iSimangaliso Integrated Management Plan” link.

Bold facelift for iSimangaliso– As the World Heritage Site’s infrastructure plans roll out throughout iSimangaliso, the next area earmarked for a dramatic facelift is the Lake St Lucia Estuary precinct. iSimangaliso is in the process of redeveloping the Park in a section by section approach and is nearing completion with the Eastern Shores, Western Shores and uMkhuze sections. Rehabilitation and improving ecosystem functioning are important components of this and are well advanced in these sections.

Update July 2016 – A legal victory for iSimangaliso allows for the restoration of the uMfolozi River’s natural course and the reestablishment of a one-mouth policy linking it to St. Lucia Estuary thereby allowing the flow of freshwater into the system.

Update January 2017 – Water levels in the Lake St Lucia system have increased dramatically on the back of the recent rains which resulted in strong flows from the uMfolozi River into Lake St Lucia. Ninety percent of the Lake’s surface area is now covered and the Lake is once again a single body of water no longer compartmentalised, and joined via the Narrows to the mouth.

June 2017 Update – Lake St Lucia full!

February 2018 Update – Ongoing restoration of Lake St Lucia (latest on efforts, water levels, sediment and aquatic plants).