SACRAA is recognized by DAFF as an interest group in terms of Section 8 of the Marine Living Resources Act (MLRA) and is a member of the Recreational Fishing Forum (RFF) that meets with DAFF on a regular basis. The RFF comprises representatives from the various directorates within the Fisheries Management branch of DAFF (e.g. linefish management, small-scale fisheries, compliance & enforcement) and representatives from the recreational fishing sector such as SACRAA, SADSAA (and provincial affiliates), SASACC and SAUFF. The RFF meets to discuss matters pertaining to the marine and estuarine sectors of fishing only. There is currently no similar forum for the freshwater sector.

SACRAA members are encouraged to contact us to bring to our attention any issues they wish to be raised at future RFF meetings.

Minutes of the RFF meetings attended by SACRAA

Adopted minutes October 2013 | Adopted minutes February 2014 | Adopted minutes June 2014 | Adopted minutes October 2014 | Adopted minutes February 2015 | Adopted minutes May 2015 | Adopted minutes August 2015 | Draft minutes November 2015